Teacher Appreciation: Ms. Louisa Babcock

Ms. Babcock taught Folk Cultures at Souderton Area High School from 1973-2007.  

She was a modern teacher with fresh ideas and made history come alive for her students as we worked on projects to learn about the Bicentennial of our Nation.

She encouraged us to be creative, gave us guidelines for our projects and lots of opportunity to learn the ways of our ancestors. We worked hard and were rewarded by the knowledge we obtained.

~submitted by Carole Oelschlager Sabatine

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  • Louisa Abney-Babcock
    commented 2024-05-11 20:16:01 -0400
    Thank you so very much for the kind comments. I LOVED teaching for all the 33years – I loved every class, every project and every opportunity that I could offer to students. Thanks for ALL the wonderful years!!!
  • Debra Newman
    commented 2023-05-25 13:59:50 -0400
    She is the reason I continue to love history to this day!
  • Meg Dick
    published this page in Big Red Staff 2023-05-11 14:58:13 -0400