Crest Community Challenge

Every October, Indian Crest Middle School (ICMS) holds a day of service and team building opportunity called C3: The “Crest Community Challenge”. The goal of the day is multi-pronged: Raising funds for families in need and coming together as a school for something fun; built around serving the community. The event raises money through sponsorships. Those funds are earmarked for students and families who have fallen on hard times, as well as local first responders. Local businesses and individuals serve as sponsors for the day. 

The students work together with their teachers and administrators to get to know one another outside the classroom as a team. The fun of the day is underscored by the importance of giving back to the community and the knowledge that they are helping something bigger than themselves. C3 is a fantastic way for the ICMS community to kick off the school year!

-Submitted by Josh Antill, Souderton Area High School student and IVEF Student Board member

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